Most people will admit that their visit to the salon will nine out of ten times be about the feel-good factor, the calm and the freedom that comes with it, instead of solely the grooming and the pampering factor. This left me wondering whether there is a therapeutic element that improves our overall wellness and self of self. After reviewing a prolific study from The University College London paper called "Is having a haircut good for your mental health?” I got the answers to my questions. The study was conducted by Tamika Roper (MSc) and Dr. John Barry. It included 202 participants with 58 being male and 144 were females. In the survey, there were questions like, "I often talk to my barber/hairdresser about personal matters", "I often go to the barber/hairdresser just because I have a problem and I want to speak to my barber/hairdresser about it" and "I walk in to the barbershop/hairdresser without booking an appointment". all the questions were answered on a scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. it was evident that Black males socialized and talked more than any other group, they were also the most likely to visit the hairstylist for reasons other than haircuts, as opposed to the white males. On the other hand, females socialized and talked as much as each other, despite their race. From these results, different elements of visiting the hairdresser's or barber's can contribute to the improvement of wellbeing. this could because trust is involved when we build relationships with our stylist or barber. There was a time when customers would not allow anyone but their favorite barber to cut their hair. this could very well be because there are a comfortability and connection with your stylist, other than the ability to do a great job. Aside from that, a new haircut of hairdo leaves us feeling fresh and fabulous. We leave the salon feeling beautiful and clean which pumps up the perception we have about ourselves. The open setting to discuss personal matters with our hairdresser or barber, and get unbiased opinions, is a crucial factor in bringing clarity to your perception and direction. But, Are hairdressers and barbers qualified to advise customers on personal matters? Do they have a good level of mental health knowledge to identify mental health problems? Or do they even need to? Some of these questions are more important than others, but the constant fact remains that a Saturday afternoon can be a long day for someone, and that could be a great time to observe and participate in this social experiment. That visit with this in mind could help you improve your general well being, or change your perception of barbers and hairdressers.