Evaluate Your Personal Wellness Regimen
For me, well-being combines 3 life style pillars–a nutritious diet, taking vitamins and supplements to fill nutrition gaps, and being physically active. obtaining sleep is important, as is reconciliation alternative areas of my life, like stress and alkaloid intake. However, I conjointly understand it is important to be realistic. You will fail if you decide on unreasonable personal goals. It’s only you recognize wherever you’re that you simply will create a concept to urge to wherever you would like to be.
How to educate, evaluate, and execute? I suggest starting with a wellness assessment–there’s a good one from Simon Frasier University called The 7 Dimensions of Wellness. It’s meant for students, but it’s fun, fast, and free. Take a few minutes to find out where you rank on a wellness continuum based on current habits. Areas include physical, social, spiritual, and environmental. Your answers–which remain private–will tell you where you stand.
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