It is a well-known fact that the kind of handbag you carry speaks volumes about your career, sense of style, and your life. It doesn’t matter how much attention you exude, but people from your office, the streets, and the mall assume what your personality is by merely looking at the bag you are carrying. We have always supported shopping solely for yourself regardless of what other people may think, but here are some tips for shopping for a purse that fits your needs and your taste. How to choose the right handbag Picking the right handbag is in many ways the same to shopping for your shoes. Functionality goes hand in hand with your stylistic instincts when you are picking a bag that you will enjoy carrying and one that will hold all your essentials on any given day. Large bags and tote bags are perfect for work and running errands, a cross body bag is a great choice when you need both hands to be free, small bags are perfect for parties and traveling, and bucket bags are great for the days when you don’t particularly need your stuff organized. Fake vs. look alike Fake bags are complete knockoffs that have fake logos most of the time, while lookalikes are bags that are designed from inspiration from original bags that tend to be expensive (such as in-house department store handbag lines). When you are buying a fake, you might think you’re lucky enough to score a cheap bag that has the designer label. However, counterfeiters are more often than not linked to all types of crime. So how can you tell that your bag is a fake? If you happen to get a deal that is too good to be true, then your bag is probably a knockoff. For instance, you can’t get a Gucci bag for $15 that’s original. Get the low-down on designer bags Nowadays, most designers have websites that have listings of their merchandise. It is as easy as getting on to that website, looking through your options, and once you find a bag that’s in your price range, you can purchase it right away. However, some bags can be too expensive. This is not a cause for alarm because designers have specialty outlet stores. Moreover, you can check the numerous websites, e.g., and that offer legitimate designer bags. “It” bags Having known the difference between knockoffs and lookalikes, it goes without saying that you will learn about it bags, i.e., designer bags that have the “must-have” status. These bags are hot in the fashion world, and they often don’t come cheap. However, it is important to keep in mind that fashion goes in cycles and it would be wise to keep these bags, just in case the style becomes hot again in a few years. Work bags A bag that easily goes over your shoulder or doesn’t sweep the ground when you carry it by hand, a bag that you take to and from work, this is a work bag. There are numerous styles at your disposal that can go through Monday to Friday, based on how formal your office is. The most common pick is the structured tote bag, but you can also choose from backpacks, cross body bags, or bucket bags. Basic black, a nice brown or tan shade, rich reds, soft pinks, and crisp white are great color choices for a work bag. Mini crossbody bags Savvy city girls, travelers, explorers, and bicycle managers have been going for the cross body bag for ages. Fashion trends keep leaning towards the minimalistic and monochromatic, bringing with them accessory trends. The hottest bags are mostly ultra-unbranded or ultra small, and statement jewelry has been replaced with dainty, personalized jewelry. These factors have given us the season’s most fun and practical bag. It doesn’t matter whether you pick a classic color or a bold one, the mini crossbody bag is a great choice.